

The AACEE (Adogmatic Associations of Central and Eastern Europe) / AAECE (Association Adogmatique de l’Europe Centrale et de L’Est) aims to gather together the Liberal Masonic Obediences of the Central and Eastern Europe in order to promote the Values of Democracy, support, solidarity and cohesion of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe within the European Union. The AACEE promotes and protects human values in order to maintain or to restore peace between a man and the mankind, especially in the European space.

official webpage: https://www.aacee.eu/english/

the source: http://www.vnlh.net/povelje-uk.html

A.A.C.E.E. / AACEE (Adogmatic Associations of Central and Eastern Europe) aims to gather together the Liberal Obediences of the Central and Eastern Europe.
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