M.M.U. (Masonic Mediterranean Union)

Masonic Union of Mediterranean (L’Union Maçonnique de la Méditerranée) was created in 2000, with an aim of empowering the communion of Masons of the Mediterranean, on the basis of a common Mediterranean tradition, which was translated into Mason’s practice. Common roots have brought together Spain, Greece, France, Lebanon, Morocco, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Turkey, Portugal, Slovenia, Montenegro, and Croatia.

The vision of the Union is an open and modern Freemasonry, which embraces not only the old Europe, but also Africa and the Middle East, too. Because only such a Freemasonry is able to best promote the dialogue and ensure the future of tolerance, respect and sharing to those who suffer today due to wars, fanaticism and other forms of removal of the individual liberty.


official webpage of M.M.U.


the source: http://www.vnlh.net/povelje-uk.html



M.M.U. (Masonic Union of Mediterranean/Masonic Mediterranean Union) was created in 2000, with an aim of empowering the communion of Masons...


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