“Geneva Declaration” : Genève 2005
“Istanbul Declaration : Istanbul 2019
articles temporarily unavailable (we hope they will return soon):
“A vision for the future” from Schmidt F.W. – Sovereign Grand Commander, Supreme Council for Germany
“De Philosophia Scotica” from the “Sources” research Areopagus 2005
“Freemasonry in America” from A. de Keghel
“Washington 2000” : discussion
“Which universal perspectives for a new century ?” from A. de Keghel 2005
“The Royal Secret in America before 1801” by Brent Morris Grand, 33°, Cross 2005
“AASR : From Troubled Origins to Worldwide Supremacy” by Yves Hivert Messeca 2005
“19th International Scottish Rite meeting : Rome May 25- 27, 2007 – Brief monograph of the Masonic Landscape in France” – from A. de Keghel 2007