In the USA, the Rite is considered both “clandestine” and “irregular” by mainstream Masonic bodies, because it does not comply with the requirements of appendant bodies. The Rite does not conform to the degree system of standard Masonry, and it permits women to join, whereas mainstream Masonry remains a fraternity, as required by the United Grand Lodge of England.
The Rite was practiced in the USA by a French – derived lineage for both men and women which, under Ronald Capello, initiated many of the members of “Regular” Freemasonry’s Grand College of Rites, more recently, the order lost popularity and, as of March 2018, the website has only a holding page.
Other Masonic orders, holding legitimate charters and being allied with various orders of Continental Freemasonry, especially in the United States have established themselves to take its place. Most notably is a lineage that comes from the MEAPRMM and the APRMM-FLC, as well as the International Order of Khemetic Gnosis and Illuminism, formerly known as the Sovereign Sanctuary of Khemetic Gnosis and Illuminism, and at least one other Sovereign Sanctuary based out of Puerto Rico but holding lodges on the mainland as well.
(the source/read more: Wikipedia)