Rite of Misraïm

From as early as 1738, one can find traces of this Rite filled with alchemical, occult and Egyptian references, with a structure of 90 degrees. Joseph Balsamo, called Cagliostro, a key character of his time, gave the Rite the impulse necessary for its development. Very close to the Grand Master of the Order of the Knights of MaltaManuel Pinto de Fonseca,[1] Cagliostro founded the Rite of High Egyptian Masonry in 1784. Between 1767 and 1775 he received the Arcana Arcanorum, which are three very high hermetic degrees, from Sir Knight Luigi d’Aquino, the brother of the national Grand Master of Neapolitan Masonry. In 1788, he introduced them into the Rite of Misraïm and gave a patent to this Rite.

It developed quickly in MilanGenoa and Naples. In 1813, it was introduced by Joseph, Michel and Marc Bédarride. It was forbidden in 1817, following the unease caused by the Carbonari, which intensified in 1820, following the incident of the Four Sergeants of La Rochelle.

(the source/read more: Wikipedia)


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