Symbolic Grand Lodge of Russia (Великая Символическая Ложа России и Союзных Стран Древнего и Изначального Устава Мемфиса-Мицраима)
“The Egyptian Freemasonry, to which our organisation belongs, is a way of getting to know man, the world and the deity. Freemasons, also called free freemasons, in meetings called works, with the help of ancient and beautiful rituals, improve their moral image and explore the spiritual, philosophical and mystical experience of humanity, which has been accumulated for thousands of years. The majestic symbolism of the Masonic rites aims to humble evil passions, develop virtues, discipline the mind, clear it of misconceptions and prejudices, deepen its understanding of the truth and, ultimately, promote the full self-realization of man, the crowning achievement of which should be victory over death.”
from the website of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Russia
Website of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Russia
Facebook Profile of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Russia

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