Freemasonry in Scotland in Lodges chartered by the Grand Lodge of Scotland comprises the Scottish Masonic Constitution as regular Masonic jurisdiction for the majority of freemasons in Scotland. There are also Lodges operating under the Scottish Masonic Constitution in countries outside of Scotland. Many of these are countries linked to Scotland and the United Kingdom through the Commonwealth of Nations and prior colonies and other settlements of the British Empire although there are several lodges in countries such as Lebanon, Belgium, Chile and Peru, which do not have such connections.
The Grand Lodge of Scotland is independent of, though in amity with, both of the other Grand Lodges established in the British Isles, the United Grand Lodge of England and the Grand Lodge of Ireland. As of 2018, it consists of 32 Provincial Grand Lodges in Scotland and 26 District Grand Lodges beyond the boundary of Scotland.
the source/read more: Wikipedia
Secret History of the Freemasons in Scotland (BBC)
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