(by Belarusian Masonic Lodge Michal Kleofas Oginski)
Despite his contradictory nature, he is undoubtedly one of the most significant personalities in history. Already many generations of French people are full of admiration, pride and unfailing interest in studying the life of “little corporal”, who became emperor. Was Napoleon a freemason? Historians do not have a document that could confirm this, but many undeniable facts prove the extreme closeness of Napoleon to Freemasonry. Moreover, it was thanks to Napoleonб Freemasonry spread in Europe and became a mass phenomenon. He turned Freemasonry from a secret society, as it used to be, into almost an official state religion, uniting all the French lodges around the Grand Orient. Back in Corsica, Bonaparte grew up surrounded by Freemasons – after all, his father and all three brothers were Freemasons. There is no doubt that the family spoke about Freemasonry all the…
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