AME against the ban on the presence of Free Masons in the Italian Government

AME against the ban on the presence of Free Masons in the Italian Government

May 23rd, 2018

European Masonic Alliance (Continental Freemasonry) news release following the ban on the presence of Free Masons in the Italian Government.


The European Masonic Alliance, representing 34 Obediences established in 14 European countries and their 170.OOO members, is worrying about the M5S and the League in Italy banning on the presence of Free Masons in the Italian Government.
It is important to remind that such a discrimination is not admissible in a democracy, besides the Italian Constitution is clear to forbid it.
The free-masons of the European Masonic Alliance who work to defend the Human Rights and the democratic liberties cannot but rise up against this liberticidal decision. Moreover, they insist on reminding that the Italian free-masons solemnly swear loyalty to the Italian Republic…and pledge to respect the rules and laws of their country.
As a reminder, the European Masonic Alliance aims at spreading and promoting the values and principles of which Free Masonry is the watchful heir, especially the freedom of conscience and thought as a inalienable right and the ideals of democracy, fraternity, equality in rights of all the human beings and human dignity including the choice of reproduction, conception and end of life.
It endorses the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the 1950 European convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms and the 2000 Charter of fundamental rights of the European Union.
It rejects any sort of discrimination and any form of attack on the freedom of expression in any domain.

Marc Menschaert


AME against the ban on the presence of Free Masons in the Italian Government


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