(by editorial board, Austin Daily Herald, October 12, 2021)
Shown with WM Gary Brolsma are Dean Johnson, Larry Hanson and Forrest Miller, who recently received years of service awards from Fidelity Lodge No. 39. Photos provided
Seven Masonic Widows were recognized and honored at a recent dinner, where they also received a rose. They are (L-R) Lois Van Denover, Evelyn Van House, Mary Pecht, Helen Hecimovich, Fern Giffen. Second row WM Gary Brolsma, Bonnie Newell and Judy McDonald.
At a recent Masonic dinner, several members were recognized for their years of service. In addition, Masons recognized seven widows for their on-going support.
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At a recent Masonic dinner, several members were recognized for their years of service. In addition, Masons recognized seven widows for their on-going support.
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