Australia – Freemasons continue their support for CCKIN and SOKS

Australia - Freemasons continue their support for CCKIN and SOKS

(by editorial board, Coast News Community, November 23, 2020)


Freemasons on the Central Coast (FotCC) has donated a total of $6,000 to Central Coast Kids in Need (CCKIN) and Save Our Kids from Suicide (SOKS).

The presentation at Wamberal Surf Club was held a little differently, with the recipient organisations asking one of their beneficiaries to receive the donation on their behalf.

FotCC hoped hearing first-hand accounts from the people receiving the money would help them gain a real understanding of the impact and outcomes of their fundraising.

Victoria, a beneficiary of CCKIN, spoke of financial hardship of when their first child (Ella) was born with Down Syndrome.

When initially diagnosed, Ella was transferred to Sydney for a period of three months until her medical conditions stabilised and then on returning home, specialised equipment needed to be hired.

Victoria said the cost of three months accommodation, travel and…

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Australia - Freemasons continue their support for CCKIN and SOKS


Australia - Freemasons continue their support for CCKIN and SOKS

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