Berkshire/England – Maidenhead figure reaches 50 years with Freemasons

Berkshire/England - Maidenhead figure reaches 50 years with Freemasons

(by Adrian Williams, Maidenhean Advertizer, 16 February 2022)


One of the trustees of The Louis Baylis Trust was presented with an award and certificate after completing 50 years as a Berkshire Freemason.

Peter Sands belongs to Berries Lodge, named for Berries Road in Cookham. He has risen to the office of Deputy Provincial Grand Master, the second-highest position in Berkshire.

Peter joined the Freemasons in November 1971 as a young man, following in his father’s footsteps.

“He died when I was a teenager,” said Peter. “I knew he enjoyed [being a Freemason] and I was intrigued as to what it was about.

“In those days, there was a four-year waiting list. I put my name down, did an interview, and here we are. I joined my father’s lodge and met a lot of people I already knew…

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Berkshire/England - Maidenhead figure reaches 50 years with Freemasons


Berkshire/England - Maidenhead figure reaches 50 years with Freemasons

Freemasons: 555 illustrations

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