(by Graham Womack, The Sacramento Bee, April 06, 2023)
George Blue has his hopes pinned on a surveillance device. Blue is a longtime member of David D. Mattock Lodge No. 87 of the Prince Hall Freemasons, a Black branch of the fraternal organization. He’s also president of the nonprofit Sacramento Masonic Building Association which owns the Del Paso Heights building where his lodge and other groups meet. With the pandemic and a general decline in fraternal order membership having slowed business, the California Board of Equalization determined recently that the building wasn’t in use often enough to keep its partial property tax exemption for providing a community benefit. Blue was left with 90 days to appeal, which are up in May or pay an extra $3,000 a year in taxes.
To appeal, his group plans to create brochures that highlight their contributions to the community. Among those…
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