Cambridgeshire/England – Jim thanked by emergency staff for delivery of hospital teddy bears

Cambridgeshire/England - Jim thanked by emergency staff for delivery of hospital teddy bears

(by Katie Woodcock, Wisbech Standard, September 14, 2022)


A Cambridgeshire freemason who has led the delivery of thousands of teddy bears to Addenbrooke’s Hospital over the last 20 years has reached the end of his marathon story.

Jim Whitehead, a retired teacher from Cambridge, launched the initiative in 2002.

He got the idea from an Essex freemason who launched a similar scheme to thank his local hospital for saving his wife’s life.

In the early days, Jim, who has been a freemason for more than 50 years, carefully parked his car clear of arriving ambulances and…

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Cambridgeshire/England - Jim thanked by emergency staff for delivery of hospital teddy bears


Cambridgeshire/England - Jim thanked by emergency staff for delivery of hospital teddy bears

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