Cumbria/England – Freemasons host charity boxing night in Wigton

Cumbria/England - Freemasons host charity boxing night in Wigton

(by Brandon Mawson, News & Star, 24th June 2022)


Last weekend Cumbria Freemasons held a charity boxing night in Wigton to raise funds for The Masonic Charitable Foundation.

The event took place at the Greenhill Hotel in Wigton and included a range of other events like: a raffle, a tote, a whisky draw and auction.

Proceeds from the event will go towards the 2027 Festival and so far they have managed to raise over £7,000 for the cause.

Many of the fighters on the night were children and young people with some being more experienced than others.

Mr Dixon said: “Lots of Freemasons and their families were invited along and we put it on because it’s a great fundraiser and a great opportunity for youngsters.

“It gave some of the young people the chance for them to…

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Cumbria/England - Freemasons host charity boxing night in Wigton


Cumbria/England - Freemasons host charity boxing night in Wigton

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