Devonshire/England – Freemasons invite Cubs to discover Lodge of Good Intention

Devonshire/England - Freemasons invite Cubs to discover Lodge of Good Intention

(by Lewis Clarke, DevonLive, 21 December 2021)


Cubs have been discovering what is involved in Freemasonry. Members of the Lodge of Good Intention hosted visits by two groups of the 1st North Devon Cub Group, together with their Cub Leaders and parents on a visit to the Freemason’s Lodge in Trafalgar Lawn, Barnstaple in November.

Alan Cockman and Rob Palmer welcomed the groups and gave them a brief description of how Freemasonry started and how it has developed over the years.

The Cubs were surprised to hear that the chair now used by the Worshipful Master was, in the late 1790’s, used by the then Prince of Wales who eventually became King George 4th and…

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Devonshire/England - Freemasons invite Cubs to discover Lodge of Good Intention


Devonshire/England - Freemasons invite Cubs to discover Lodge of Good Intention

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