Cumberland & Westmorland/England – Freemasons donate laptops to help youngsters learn at home

England - Freemasons donate laptops to help youngsters learn at home

(by CWH, Cumberland&Westmorland Herald, 11 February 2021)


Primary school pupils in Eden are among the first to benefit from a £30,000 donation to help with home schooling. The Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Cumberland & Westmorland, who raised the cash to fund the project, which has resulted in 115 laptops for youngsters who may not otherwise have access.

Ken Archer sought funding from the Worthy Causes Committee of the Mark Grand Lodge Benevolent Fund and the Provincial Mark Benevolent Fund.

The first batch of 52 laptops were delivered last week to a distribution hub based at Beacon Hill Community School in Aspatria by the Provincial Grand Master Keith Hodgson, with…

read more in Cumberland&Westmorland Herald:

England - Freemasons donate laptops to help youngsters learn at home


England - Freemasons donate laptops to help youngsters learn at home

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