Lincolnshire/England – Freemasons give generous donation of £400 to Grantham and District Talking Newspaper
(by Graham Newton, Grantham Journal, 01 September 2019)
Freemasons have donated £400 to Grantham and District Talking Newspaper.
Grantham Freemasons presented a cheque to the talking newspaper at its office in Wharf Road. Secretary Sue Harkins, chairman Graham Cook and deputy chairman John Williams accepted the donation from Freemasons Andre Finney and Trevor Johnston on behalf of the Faraday Masonic Benevolent Fund.
The talking newspaper charity sends out a fortnightly recorded CD to blind and partially sighted people. A team of volunteers meets every two weeks and edit suitable items from the Journal early on a Friday morning. They record the news items using a group of volunteer readers, transfer the recordings to CDs and then send them out to their listeners by mid-morning so that they should…