(by Biggleswade Today, 24 May 2019)
A charity started by a Potton mum has won a grant to help disabled children who are being bullied at school.
The £25,000 Bedfordshire Freemasons grant to the Sky Badger charity will help up to 90 per cent of disabled children who are being bullied at primary school.
Sky Badger has built a new pioneering disability awareness programme to change the way children under the age of 11 think about disability. The Sky Badger School Awards uses National Curriculum linked games and lesson plans to develop empathy and understanding rather than sympathy for disabled children.
The grant will also allow Sky Badger to find help for families in all areas of their disabled children’s lives; financially, medically and socially.
Sky Badger was created by Naomi Marek in 2012 when she found getting help for…
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