Suffolk/England – Freemasons launch Square Meals scheme in Sudbury

England - Freemasons launch Square Meals scheme in Sudbury

(by Thomas Malina, Suffolk Free Press, May 07, 2020)


A new charity-run food delivery scheme aims to put essentials on the tables of 40 people this week, as it seeks to help struggling local businesses, as well as the rising food poverty crisis brought about by coronavirus.
The Sudbury branch of the Suffolk Freemasons launched a not-for-profit community venture called Square Meals last week, offering deliveries of boxes with three days of basic food items to create healthy meals for two people.
Assembled by volunteers at the Sudbury Masonic Hall in North Street, the boxes contain food supplied by local businesses, such as butchers, bakers and …

read more at Suffolk Free Press:
England - Freemasons launch Square Meals scheme in Sudbury


England - Freemasons launch Square Meals scheme in Sudbury

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