Lancashire/England – Freemasons raise more than £1million to support those affected by the coronavirus pandemic

England - Freemasons raise more than £1million to support those affected by the coronavirus pandemic

(by Danielle Thompson, Champion, May, 2020)


FREEMASONS have raised more than £1million to support those affected by the coronavirus pandemic.
Members of the West Lancashire Freemasons together with their colleagues across England and Wales have been using technology to keep raising money, despite the continuing lockdown preventing Lodges from meeting and holding charitable collections. Online and text donations have been pouring into the Freemasons’ Covid-19 Community Fund from Freemasons up-and-down the country.
The half a million pounds raised from individual Freemasons and their Lodges is being doubled by the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF), the Freemasons’ charity, bringing the fund’s total to more than £1million.
This fundraising is in addition to the £2.5 million the MCF has …

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England - Freemasons raise more than £1million to support those affected by the coronavirus pandemic


England - Freemasons raise more than £1million to support those affected by the coronavirus pandemic

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