(by Craig Manning, Wirral Globe, 11th March, 2019)
A group of Cheshire Freemasons spent a cold night on the street in aid of Wirral charity helping the homeless and needy.
Their efforts helped raise £14,000 for Charles Thompson Mission in Birkenhead.
Those sleeping out included 14 members of Bohemian Chapter and Combermere Lodge plus two of their wives.
Their collective efforts raised £12,600 through sponsorship, which was topped up by a donation of £1,400 from the Cheshire Freemasons Charity.
A delegation from handed over the donation to the mission’s manager Bernie Frost during a recent visit.
Senior Cheshire Freemason David Dyson said: “What the members have done is incredible, not just in raising funds, but also to highlight the issue of homelessness and the human story that sits behind it.
“The men and women who slept out will be the first to…
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