![England - Worcester Freemasons help Sight Concern](https://freemasonry.network/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/hereford-freemasonry.jpg)
(by David Dunbar, Hereford Times, October 10th, 2019)
HUNDREDS more blind and partially sighted people will be given practical help and support thanks to Worcestershire Freemasons.
A £15,000 grant to Sight Concern by the freemasons which will help the rising numbers of people facing a diagnosis of sight loss to turn to Sight Concern for advice, reassurance and assistance in rebuilding their lives.
They also help with digital technology.
Digital technology can help people with sight loss overcome some of their daily challenges and enable people to remain independent and lead more active lives as part of their…
read more at Hereford Times:
![England - Worcester Freemasons help Sight Concern]()