Essex/England – Freemasons fund physio for Canvey girl

Essex/England - Freemasons fund physio for Canvey girl

(by Lewis Berrill, Basildon, Canvey, Southend Echo, 14th January 2022)


A LITTLE girl from Canvey is just one of three children in the world suffering from a rare condition. Rosie Harris was diagnosed at three months old with a rare genetic mutation which prevents her from sweating, producing saliva, sitting unaided and has caused profound hearing loss.

Aged two, young Rosie is one of just three children in the entire world suffering with the same syndrome.

Her condition, known as Kilquist Syndrome, requires expensive and regular physiotherapy. It was first diagnosed in a boy in the USA seven years ago. Since then, the same syndrome has affected a child in Sweden and…

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Essex/England - Freemasons fund physio for Canvey girl


Essex/England - Freemasons fund physio for Canvey girl

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