(by Grant Langston, Tryon Daily Bulletin, May 4, 2023)
The Freemasons of Polk County presented a gift of a large framed and matted color print of George Washington dressed in his Masonic regalia to Polk County High School on Wednesday, May 3. The gift comes courtesy of the Masons of Unity Lodge No. 482, located at 662 Ozone Dr. in Saluda.
“It’s a wonderful opportunity to expose Freemasonry to young men who may be interested, or at some point investigate Freemasonry further,” said Master Mason Jim Steckel. The Grand Lodge of South Carolina has offered these framed prints to their lodges to present as gifts to the high schools located near Masonic Lodges. The Polk County Unity Lodge then voted to carry on the practice in North Carolina and paid the fee for the artwork. Steckel then contacted PCHS principal Michelle Bean, who liked the idea. “I think it’s a wonderful idea, and we’re just grateful that they want to put it here,” said Bean. “I’ve invited our…
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