(by Olivia Jacobs, The Panthagraph, February 5, 2023)
Bloomington Lodge No. 43 and Normal Lodge No. 673 recently donated $16,000 to the Boys & Girls Club of Bloomington-Normal.
The grant funding was secured from an Illinois Freemasonry Charity, the Illinois Masonic Children’s Assistance Program.
Grants were requested by Christopher Hathaway, of Bloomington Lodge No. 43, from IMCAP to be used to fund programming and youth needs throughout the year, as well as assist with two holiday programs providing new coats and holiday food baskets for member families. Hathaway personally reached out to Boys & Girls Club CEO Tony Morstatter and Family & Volunteer Coordinator Leslie Adams to understand their financial needs.
Lodge members Connor Ramsey of…
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Lodge members Connor Ramsey of…
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