(by Freemasons for Dummies, April 09, 2019)
It seems like every time I post a story with the word ‘Illuminati’ in it, my comment in-box gets flooded with spam and crackpot messages. It just goes with the territory. Unfortunately, the Illuminati has been tied to Freemasonry in the public imagination since the 1780s, off and on. Today, they are unfortunately interchangeable in a fair-sized swath of the public’s perception. And recurring interest in the subject seems to sprout every couple of years like biennial beet plants.
The National Geographic History Magazine has a short but decent introductory article about Adam Weishaupt and the origins and brief lifespan of the Bavarian Illuminati. If you are new to the subject or don’t really know how or why Freemasonry and the Illuminati get schmeared together by conspiracy mongers when hunting boogeymen to blame for world events when they get overcharged at the Starbucks, have a look at ‘Meet the Man Who Started the Illuminati’ by …
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