Indiana/US – Crowl and Berry honored as 50-year Masonic members

Indiana/US - Crowl and Berry honored as 50-year Masonic members

(by Staff Reports, kpc NEWS.COM, October 3, 2024)


Jim Crowl and Tom Berry, both members of Angola Masonic Lodge No. 236, received their award of gold for being a member for 50 years, reports Paul Friend, publicity chairman. Both received a certificate and 50 year pin from the Grand Lodge of Indiana. Two other members, Charles Nedele and John Stock have also reached their 50 year status, but were not able to attend the presentation on Monday.

Angola Masonic Lodge No. 236, located on the southeast quadrant of the Public Square, was chartered in 1858, and thus has been in existence for nearly 170 years. Hundreds of local men have been members over the years.

The current building of the Masons, built in…

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Indiana/US - Crowl and Berry honored as 50-year Masonic members


Indiana/US - Crowl and Berry honored as 50-year Masonic members

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