Ireland – Club Limerick Dublin Guided Tour of the Freemasons Hall Dublin Wednesday 20th November

Ireland - Club Limerick Dublin Guided Tour of the Freemasons Hall Dublin Wednesday 20th November

(by editorial board, Club Limerick, 9th November 2024)


Club Limerick Dublin Guided Tour of the Freemasons Hall Dublin Wednesday 20th November:

Club Limerick Dublin has arranged a guided tour of the Freemasons Hall, 17 Molesworth Street, Dublin on Wednesday 20 November 2024 at 14.45.

The tour price is €5 which will be collected on the day.

The tour is access-friendly and is all indoors.

After the tour, we will adjourn to Buswells Hotel across the road for some refreshments.

Please reserve a place with me at this address or 087 2075017 as soon as possible.

This will be the final such event for 2024.

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Ireland - Club Limerick Dublin Guided Tour of the Freemasons Hall Dublin Wednesday 20th November


Ireland - Club Limerick Dublin Guided Tour of the Freemasons Hall Dublin Wednesday 20th November

Freemasons: 555 illustrations

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