Is Freemasonry a Time Capsule?

Is Freemasonry a Time Capsule?

(by Jonathan Dinsmore, Universal Freemasonry, 30 December 2018)


Freemasonry can be and is many things to many people. Some see it as a conspiracy to take over the world; others, an ancient method to guide and improve humanity; yet others still, an old boys club with funny rituals and charitable activities. Following on the perspective theme of last week’s blog Is Freemasonry Dying or Evolving?, I’m going to explore yet another lens on Masonry: the possibility that it may be a kind of time capsule.

This may seem an odd take on our proud tradition at first glance, but bear with me. Without a doubt, Freemasonry is an institution passing down rituals often believed to be ancient in origin, with layers of meaning which are revealed as one progresses through the degrees. Great emphasis is placed on the idea that Masonic Ritual is passed on with regularity, with major changes typically requiring approval through the hierarchy.

This is not to say that Masonry never changes, nor…


read more at the Universal Freemasonry’s webpage:
Is Freemasonry Free from Religious Bias?


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Is Freemasonry a Time Capsule?

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