Italy – Archbishop of Milan to Take Part in ‘Historic’ Closed-Door Seminar With Italy’s Freemasons

Italy - Archbishop of Milan to Take Part in ‘Historic’ Closed-Door Seminar With Italy’s Freemasons

(by Edward Pentin, National Catholic Register, February 15, 2024)


The Archbishop of Milan has surprised many Catholics with the news that he plans to take part in a seminar in the northern Italian city on Friday with the grand masters of Italy’s three Freemasonic lodges, despite the Church’s longstanding censure of Freemasonry.

Archbishop Mario Delpini, Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, president emeritus of the Dicastery for Legislative Texts, and Bishop Antonio Staglianò, president of the Pontifical Academy of Theology, will be among Church representatives attending the closed-door event to discuss The Catholic Church and Freemasonry.

The Freemasons will be represented by Stefano Bisi, grand master of the Grand Orient of Italy, the country’s largest Freemasonic lodge, and leaders of two other national lodges: the Grand Lodge of Italy and the Grand Regular Lodge of Italy.

Bisi has called the meeting…

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Italy - Archbishop of Milan to Take Part in ‘Historic’ Closed-Door Seminar With Italy’s Freemasons


Italy - Archbishop of Milan to Take Part in ‘Historic’ Closed-Door Seminar With Italy’s Freemasons

Freemasons: 555 illustrations

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