Jamaica – Freemasons forum to discuss forming Grand Lodge of Jamaica

Jamaica - Freemasons forum to discuss forming Grand Lodge of Jamaica

(by Jason Cross, Jamaica Observer, September 8, 2024)


A long-running discussion on the possible formation of a Grand Lodge of Jamaica is being revived by Scottish Freemasons here who will examine the issue at a forum this week.

The 2024 staging of the Howard Constantine Ennis Masonic Forum is scheduled for September 11 at the Freemason’s Building, McGregor Square on Beechwood Avenue, St Andrew and is being organised by The Glenlyon Lodge.

Two of the lodge’s past masters, Warren McDonald and Neville Wallace, initiated the discussion which comes amid lively debate on Jamaica’s intention to sever ties with the British monarchy.

According to Scottish District Grand Chaplain Reverend Peter Clarke, who …

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Jamaica - Freemasons forum to discuss forming Grand Lodge of Jamaica


Jamaica - Freemasons forum to discuss forming Grand Lodge of Jamaica

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