(by Freemasons for Dummies, Monday, July 09, 2018)
Speaking of festive boards (see yesterday’s post), Masons in, or near, or within traveling distance of New York City this coming Saturday July 14th (Bastille Day!) have the opportunity to attend a truly momentous event.
The Legends of the Craft Symposium – “Masonry During the Age of Enlightenment” is an one day educational experience for Master Masons interested in the development of Masonic rituals . New York’s Shakespeare Lodge No. 750 and Continental Lodge No. 287 are the joint hats for this event.
The theme of the symposium is the stories and legends of the people, events, degree systems and rituals that were active during the European Age of Enlightenment (1650’s to 1820’s). From 1717 onward Speculative Masonry evolved into a multi-degree ritual system. What happened next influenced the development of many masonic degree systems and are important Legends of the Craft.
The Symposium features four lecturers of…
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