Leicestershire/England – Freemasons raise over £35,000 with epic walk

Leicestershire/England - Freemasons raise over £35,000 with epic walk

(by editorial board, Community News, 9 November 2021)


The 113 mile long charity walk was undertaken over two weekends by the local Freemasons.. A team of local Freemasons, together with family and friends, set out to walk a distance of up to 113 miles covering the entire Leicestershire Round footpath network.

With over £35,000 raised across two weekends in October 2021, the blisters, aches, pains, and torrential rain was certainly well worth the effort. The walk was undertaken over four days spanning two weekends, with the hardiest walkers tackling over 25 miles a day. The mixed weather ranged from torrential rain to blue skies, making the walk even more challenging.

The final leg of the walk congregated all of the walkers at the Bradgate Park Memorial Wood, where the Head of Leicestershire & Rutland Freemasons Peter Kinder said…

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Leicestershire/England -  Freemasons raise over £35,000 with epic walk


Leicestershire/England -  Freemasons raise over £35,000 with epic walk

Freemasons: 555 illustrations

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