London/England – Teddington Riding Charity Supports Disabled with Help from Freemasons

London/England - Teddington Riding Charity Supports Disabled with Help from Freemasons

(by Newsdesk, Charity Today, 10th October 2024)


Park Lane Stables (PLS) is an award-winning RDA (Riding for the Disabled Association) centre with a wide programme of activities, including assisted riding, horse care, carriage driving, equine therapy and hippotherapy. Based in Teddington in southwest London, it is one of the few remaining urban stables in Greater London with horses and humans alike at the heart of the local community.

The £10,000 grant from the London Freemason charity has enabled PLS to allow members of our team to attend a specific training course to upskill and become qualified counsellors, enabling them to offer more services to more people who otherwise might be waiting for mental health intervention. The impact of this is immeasurable as the outcome without intervention is unthinkable.

For example, a parent contacted PLS regarding their teenage daughter who would not leave the house but had expressed an interest in horses. PLS engaged the daughter immediately with no waiting time and no charge to the family. The positive impact this has…

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London/England - Teddington Riding Charity Supports Disabled with Help from Freemasons


London/England - Teddington Riding Charity Supports Disabled with Help from Freemasons

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