(by Midnight Freemasons Contributor Bill Hosler, PM)
Recently on a Masonic discussion board I found myself tagged in a post. In the post my name was included with the names of several other fellow Midnight Freemasons and other Masonic authors. The Brother tagged us as “Some of the top Masonic Influencers of Today.”
This honor put a smile on my face. Not because of the accolades but it reminded me of all those nights, not so long ago, when I was a new Mason reading books and articles written by men who influenced me. Dwight L. Smith, Allen Roberts, Claude Claudy and several other brethren. Men who had passed to the Celestial Lodge long before I ever signed my petition, who had influenced me to lay my Masonic Cornerstone in the manner that made me the man and Mason I am today.
As I advance in my Masonic life, I’ve had the opportunity to discover other Masonic writers who continue to help me advance in my knowledge, such as James Tresner, Art De Hoyos, and Mike Poll. I am also blessed to be a member of the Midnight Freemasons, who continue to influence me to expand on my own writings and to hone my craft.
While I sat there basking in the glow of my self reflection, I began to think about all the emails, private messages and comments on my posts. There have been so many kind words from Brethren, who have approached me when attending lodge. Their words gave me the realization that it is those people, who love what we do, that influence me to continue writing. I write for the men and women who keep this Fraternity alive everyday.
When I think of…
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