Minnesota/U.S. – Winona Area Masonic Bodies Partner with Winona Health to Provide A Book for Every Newborn

Minnesota/U.S. - Winona Area Masonic Bodies Partner with Winona Health to Provide A Book for Every Newborn

(by hometownsource.com, May 17, 2021)


Showing devotion to ongoing education and literacy, local Pickwick Chapter #191, Order of Eastern Star, Winona, MN joined with local Masonic Lodge Winona #18 to donate the first $1,000 and partner with Winona Health to provide a book for each newborn born at Winona Health. As education, understanding, and growth are all important parts of Freemasonry through the Masonic Lodge, and through all Masonic Groups, it was easy for Winona’s Masons and Eastern Star members to decide to come together to provide this service for newborns and their families. The idea came from Winona Mason and OES Member J.J. Pettit and…

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Minnesota/U.S. - Winona Area Masonic Bodies Partner with  Winona Health to Provide A Book for Every Newborn


Minnesota/U.S. - Winona Area Masonic Bodies Partner with  Winona Health to Provide A Book for Every Newborn

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