(by editorial board, KROX, May 21, 2023)
The Crookston Masonic Lodge recently held a free-will breakfast fundraiser at the lodge for the Honor Flight to help send veterans to Washington D.C. to see the monuments.� This was their most successful breakfast fundraiser to date as they raised $26,600 that will help send 16-plus veterans to Washington D.C.
It all got started with a stop at Christian Brothers Ford, and I talked to Christopher Christian that we were going to do a breakfast for the Honor Flight, and before I got uptown, Christopher and his dad Todd (Christian) promised to give one ticket and more,� said Crookston Mason Lester Wilkens. �So we took the bull by the horns and got going with the fundraising.�
Wilkens was pleasantly shocked by the turnout and…
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Wilkens was pleasantly shocked by the turnout and…
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