New Mexico/US – Bethlehem Masonic Lodge celebrates first responders in Valencia County

New Mexico/US - Bethlehem Masonic Lodge celebrates first responders in Valencia County

(by editorial board, News-Bulletin, January 16, 2025)


Under the leadership of our Worshipful Master, Worshipful Brother Larry Lindberg, and the chairman for the raffle, Brother Candido Mohedano, the lodge started the raffle last summer, offering chances to win one of three major meat packages from Sam’s Butcher Block in Bosque Farms. The lodge sold chances all around the area, resulting in raising enough funds to provide a first-class dinner, framed certificates of appreciation and gift cards for the first responders selected by their peers in Rio Communities and Belen, New Mexico State Police and the Valencia County Sheriff’s Office.

Those recognized were Belen police officer Elizabeth Keller, Rio Communities police officer…

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New Mexico/US - Bethlehem Masonic Lodge celebrates first responders in Valencia County


New Mexico/US - Bethlehem Masonic Lodge celebrates first responders in Valencia County

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