(by Ginny Kropf, OrleansHUB.com, 20 November 2022)
The Royal Body Shop Outreach Ministries is partnering with the Renovation Masonic Lodge 39 in Albion to give away free meals during the holidays.
The Royal Body Shop Outreach Ministries was started in Albion little more than a year ago by Pastor Albert D. Wilson Jr. and his wife Ykeeta, who are affiliated with a similar ministry in Buffalo. They hold services in Albion at 7 p.m. Fridays in the Arnold Gregory Complex.
On Thanksgiving Day, free turkey dinners with all the trimmings will be given away. Meals can be eaten in or taken out from noon to 4 p.m., or until gone at the Masonic Lodge, 39 Platt St.
On Dec. 10. During Albion’s Hometown Holidays Event, Royal Body Shop Ministries will give away 2,000 chicken dinners at the Masonic Lodge. Last year 1,000 dinners were given away free of charge as…
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On Thanksgiving Day, free turkey dinners with all the trimmings will be given away. Meals can be eaten in or taken out from noon to 4 p.m., or until gone at the Masonic Lodge, 39 Platt St.
On Dec. 10. During Albion’s Hometown Holidays Event, Royal Body Shop Ministries will give away 2,000 chicken dinners at the Masonic Lodge. Last year 1,000 dinners were given away free of charge as…
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