Alberta/Canada – Northland Masons offer bursary for post-secondary

Northland Masons offer bursary for post-secondary

(by Christopher Eakin, Farview Post, November 14, 2018)

Northland Lodge No 147 in Fairview wishes to remind students in the Peace Country that The Masonic Higher Education Bursary Fund applications are available online at for students in financial need who are planning to attend post-secondary education.

The Masonic Higher Education Bursary Fund was instituted by the Grand Lodge of Alberta, A.F. & A.M. at its Annual Communication in June of 1957. The intent was and is to provide assistance to those students wishing to receive a higher education but lacking the ever increasing funds to do so.

The Masonic Higher Education Bursary Fund obtains its funding through donations from individual Freemasons, Masonic Clubs and Concordant Bodies, Memorial Donations and Bequests placed in Wills. The Fund is a Registered Charitable Fund and receipts for Income Tax purposes are issued. The day to day operating expenses of the fund are paid by the Grand Lodge of Alberta. No expenses are taken from the donations, memorials or bequests directed to the Fund.

Today, the MHEBF Bursaries are awarded to students at the post-secondary level of Education in Alberta and the Northwest Territories. Bursaries are awarded on a basis of need and proven scholastic ability. The application deadline is February 1st. annually. Our bursary application forms and further information are available at under the heading APPLY. Each year the Bursaries are provided in a threefold manner as follows:

1. Thirty $5000.00 Bursaries are awarded across Alberta and the Northwest Territories courtesy of the MHEBF.

2. Eight $5000.00 Bursaries are awarded within the Peace River Regional District courtesy of The Mathews Konschak Trust Masonic Bursary established by George (Matt) Mathews.
George Ma was born at Waterhole, two miles south of Fairview, on February 8, 1919. Waterhole is where his grandfather, who emigrated from Germany, lived. While his father, who was a stevedore at the London Docks, emigrated from the UK, and in partnership with H. A. George helped to build the Peace Hotel in Peace River.

George Mathews personified the ideals of a Freemason. A former member of Norwood Lodge No. 90 he was initiated into Freemasonry March 20, 1984 at the age of 64 years old. His belief in…

read more at the Farview Post website:
Northland Masons offer bursary for post-secondary

(Article submitted by Northland Masons lodge)

Northland Masons offer bursary for post-secondary

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