(by Calley Lamar, The Ponca City News, 06/08/2022)
Ponca Masonic Lodge 83 has partnered with the Ponca City 4H and FFA Livestock Booster Club for another year to aide in providing funds instrumental to the youth of the community. The Lodge requested $2000 in matching funds from the Masonic Charity Foundation of Oklahoma and was presented to Ponca City’s 4H and FFA Livestock Booster Club for a total of $4000
Millions of dollars in charitable assistance are invested into Oklahoma communities each year through the efforts of over 200 local Masonic Lodges
Each year, Oklahoma Masonic Lodges contribute hours of volunteer labor and over $3 million to their local communities across Oklahoma with the assistance of the Masonic Charity Foundation of…
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Each year, Oklahoma Masonic Lodges contribute hours of volunteer labor and over $3 million to their local communities across Oklahoma with the assistance of the Masonic Charity Foundation of…
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