Pennsylvania/U.S. – Hoyt Exhibit Unveils Secrets, Symbols of Masons, Odd Fellows

Pennsylvania/U.S. - Hoyt Exhibit Unveils Secrets, Symbols of Masons, Odd Fellows

(by staff, The Business Journal, November 1, 2022)


Secret Societies or Societies of Secrets? Arts & Education at the Hoyt’s newest exhibit, “Mystery & Benevolence: Masonic and Odd Fellows Art,” explores the art and accessories of two fraternal organizations that are steeped in symbols and coded systems – from special hand grips, gestures and passwords to ritualized performances that are thought to have originated in the Middle Ages.

It opens Nov. 8 and runs through Jan. 26.

To the uninitiated, the elaborately painted set pieces and intricately decorated regalia are nearly as mystifying as the practices themselves. Yet, according to the American Folk Art Museum, this mystery was …

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Pennsylvania/U.S. - Hoyt Exhibit Unveils Secrets, Symbols of Masons, Odd Fellows


Pennsylvania/U.S. - Hoyt Exhibit Unveils Secrets, Symbols of Masons, Odd Fellows

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