(inteligencer.ca, Tuesday, June 5, 2018)
Jonathan Ludlow/The Intelligencer Jan Doef, Gary Crane and Jack McCurdy are members of the The Widows Sons, Land O’ Lakes chapter. The Widows Sons are an international Masonic Motorcycle Association. On August 25, they will set out for a 200km poker run around Rice Lake to raise funds for the Wounded Warriors of Canada and the Shriners Hospital for Children.
The Widows Sons, Land O’ Lakes Chapter is holding their very first “Got Your Six” Poker Run on August 25 to raise money for the Wounded Warriors of Canada and Shriners Hospital for Children.
The Widows Sons is an international group of motorcycle enthusiasts entirely comprised of Freemasons. Founded in 1998, the original purpose of the group was to provide aid and assistance to the orphans and widows of Master Masons.
This purpose was eventually expanded upon in 2001 to provide a social outlet for Freemasons who wished to ride the road with their brothers, and to introduce the world of motorcycles to Freemasonry, and vice versa.
The Widows Sons, Land O’ Lakes Chapter was established in 2013, and ever since have been active participants in the community.
“We do a lot of work with our groups, but we also…
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