(by Richard Williams, Shropshire Star, April 29, 2023)
A guide dog has been named by the fundraising branch of the Masons after the group donated £2,500 to a Shrewsbury charity.
Mason the dog was given his new name by the Shropshire Masonic Charitable Association (SMCA) after it presented a cheque to the Shrewsbury Guide Dogs Puppy Raisers.
Shropshire Masonic lodges were balloted to find a name for the pup as part of the guide dog charity’s Name a Puppy fundraising drive.
The presentation was made at the guide dog charity’s regular coffee morning at the Love to Stay Café in Shrewsbury, earlier this…
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Shropshire Masonic lodges were balloted to find a name for the pup as part of the guide dog charity’s Name a Puppy fundraising drive.
The presentation was made at the guide dog charity’s regular coffee morning at the Love to Stay Café in Shrewsbury, earlier this…
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