Somerset/England – Redfield Road Wives Group: Freemasonry over time

Somerset/England - Redfield Road Wives Group: Freemasonry over time

(by editorial board, Journal, 6th November 2022)


During the evening of Wednesday, 26th October forty members of the Redfield Road Wives Group attended the Masonic Hall (where they regularly meet twice monthly) to hear about the History of Freemasonry, along with the charitable work and the History of the Connaught Lodge in particular, given by W. Bros. Tony Cooper, Chris James, and Jerry Hann.

To dispel the generally held myths about Freemasonry, they heard about the development of Freemasonry over time, why the term ‘Freemasons,’ why it is referred to as a ‘Lodge,’ and why it is not a secret society. They were then told about the building of the Masonic Hall in 1912 and about…

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Somerset/England - Redfield Road Wives Group: Freemasonry over time


Somerset/England - Redfield Road Wives Group: Freemasonry over time

Freemasons: 555 illustrations

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