London/England – Something for secret Santa? The Freemasons open a gift shop

Something for secret Santa? The Freemasons open a gift shop

(by editorial board The Guardian, 2 December 2020)


Name: Freemasons. Age: Their origins can be traced back to the stoneworkers’ guilds, whose members built the great medieval gothic cathedrals. The first Grand Lodge was established in 1717, in London.

We are talking about the secret society, right? Well, maybe not quite so secret.

I have been wondering how they have been coping in Covid. No handshakes presumably means no secret handshakes. How have they been able to recognise one another? Perhaps they have developed a secret elbow bump. Unless it has not been…

read more in The Guardian:

Something for secret Santa? The Freemasons open a gift shop


Something for secret Santa? The Freemasons open a gift shop

Freemasons: 555 illustrations

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