South Dakota/U.S. – ‘Nobody should be alone on Christmas:’ Masonic Lodge serves over 1,100 free meals

South Dakota/U.S. - ‘Nobody should be alone on Christmas:’ Masonic Lodge serves over 1,100 free meals

(by Hunter Dunteman, Mitchell Republic, December 26, 2021)


Over 1,100 free meals were served out of Mitchell’s Masonic Lodge on Christmas Day, something event organizers say is the perfect definition of Christmas.

“It just brings home what Christmas is all about,” said Troy Magnuson, a past master of the Masonic Lodge and twice-past president of the Corn Palace Shrine Club.

This year’s dinner — which has traditionally been served each Christmas Day for more than two decades — called on area residents to join the Masons and the Shriners not only for a meal, but for the fellowship.

“When we started this event, oh-so-many years ago, it was with the premise that nobody should be alone on Christmas Day,” Magnuson said. “It’s not about the food. It’s about the fellowship.”

Though the Masonic Lodge had few seats to spare during the 12:30 p.m. lunch rush, the volunteers worked quickly to not only serve those who…

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South Dakota/U.S. - ‘Nobody should be alone on Christmas:’ Masonic Lodge serves over 1,100 free meals


South Dakota/U.S. - ‘Nobody should be alone on Christmas:’ Masonic Lodge serves over 1,100 free meals

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