Spain – Local Freemasons visit the San Jose Obrero orphanage in Orihuela.

Spain - Local Freemasons visit the San Jose Obrero orphanage in Orihuela.

(by editorial board, Le@der, January 12, 2020)


Recently Freemasons from Caledonia Lodge visited the San Jose Obrero Orphanage, in Orihuela, to present them with a surprise Christmas gift of one thousand euros for the benefit of the children.
WBro Bullock had the pleasure of sitting down with the Director of the orphanage Sr. Vicente Martínez Agulló, who informed him of the history and many achievements of the San Jose Obrero Foundation over recent years.

They now care for and house eighty orphans, of all nationalities, and is also a day centre with twenty-four places available for children with very few other resources. Most of these arrive at five in the afternoon, do their…

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Spain - Local Freemasons visit the San Jose Obrero orphanage in Orihuela.


Spain - Local Freemasons visit the San Jose Obrero orphanage in Orihuela.

Freemasons: 555 illustrations

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