Suffolk/England – Local Freemasons ‘Take to the Skies’ for Charity Sky Dive

In an exhilarating display of camaraderie and community spirit, four dedicated Freemasons from Blackwater Lodge No. 1977

(by Nub News Reporter, Maldon Nub News, 16th October 2024)


Four adventurous Brothers from the Blackwater Masonic Lodge soared thousands of feet above Beccles, Suffolk to support a charity.

In an exhilarating display of camaraderie and community spirit, four dedicated Freemasons from Blackwater Lodge No. 1977 leapt from the clouds in a thrilling sky dive to raise funds for ‘Autism Anglia’, a cause close to their hearts. These adventurous brothers soared thousands of feet above Beccles, Suffolk, showcasing their commitment to philanthropy and community service.

The Freemasons, known for their charitable work and community involvement, are taking their commitment to new heights—literally! The sky dive event was not only an exhilarating experience for the participants but inspired other members to contribute over £2,500 to a very worthy cause. Autism Anglia is…

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Suffolk/England - Local Freemasons ‘Take to the Skies’ for Charity Sky Dive


Suffolk/England - Local Freemasons ‘Take to the Skies’ for Charity Sky Dive

Freemasons: 555 illustrations

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